
I'm so eager to see you again 
but I wouldn't ask to see you
not because I'm proud
In fact, in front of you
I cede all my pride
yet only if you asked to see me
our meeting would be meaningful to me
                      --- Simone de Beauvoir, 1950

但請你記得 我不會開口要求要見你
這不是因為驕傲 你知道我在你面前毫無驕傲可言
而是因為 唯有你也想見我的時候 我們見面才有意義
                                       --- 西蒙.波娃, 1950


《Gossip Girl 213》
C: You are not my girlfriend.
B: But I am me... and you are you. We are Chuck and Blair, Blair and Chuck.
    The worst thing you've ever done, the darkest thought you've ever had...
    I will stand by you through anything.
C: Why would you do that?
B: Because I love you.

Blair~ Q/////////Q
3 words, 8 letters, finally spoken out 但Chuck最後還是走了


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